a) With the present constitution the non-profit Scientific Association named “BALKAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES” (BAFS) is founded and will be conditioned by the regulations of this constitution, the Civil Law and other specific laws regarding associations.
b) City of Athens, Greece, will be the base of this Academy.
The BAFS does not elect neither promotes political, commercial and in general economic aims. Shall be the official association dealing with matters relating to the disciplines of Forensic Sciences. More specifically:
Aim of the BAFS is to deal with all scientific, educational and professional matters pertaining to this discipline on an international level. The objectives of the Academy shall be to promote education for and research in the forensic sciences, to encourage the study, to improve the practice, to elevate the standards and to advance the cause of the Forensic Sciences. It shall also promote interdisciplinary communications and shall plan, organize and administer meetings and other projects for the stimulation of these and related purposes.
Resources of BAFS are the annual subscription of its members. The value of the annual subscription will be determined by the General Assembly of BAFS. The annual subscription of member will be paid in cash during the annual meeting of BAFS or internet transfer to the bank account of the Academy.
Moreover resources of BAFS can be sponsorships by any individual or legal entity, private or public, and any other income that is legally offered to BAFS, as well as any income that may come from its property.
The property of BAFS cannot be used for aims different than the ones are described in the previous article.
The persons professing the discipline of BAFS shall be deemed to be scientifically qualified in teaching, investigation, evaluation and elucidation of forensic cases within the framework of the legal system and updated forensic sciences.
Moreover, Academy membership shall be available only to persons with professional competence, integrity and good moral character.
More specifically:
a) Those who are actively engaged in the field and have presented important scientific contribution in the literature of Forensic Sciences.
b) Those who have promoted the objectives of Forensic Sciences in any other important way.
c) Those who are pursuing a career in Forensic Sciences.
d) Those who satisfy the requirements for membership of the Section applied or recommended for.
In accordance with these bylaws and the provisions of the BAFS policy all proposed candidates for membership shall be considered qualified the appropriate Section and the Board of Directors.
All eligible voting members shall be informed, in a timely manner, of the names of all applicants approved and forwarded by the Sections to the Board of Directors.
The applicant must be endorsed by the Section to which applying and will be judged by the Board of Directors for a member status when it is proved a deep interest and specific scientific work in the forensic sciences.
The Academy has the possibility to invite individuals as honorary members. They should be persons who have rendered significant service to BAFS and/or achieved distinctions in the forensic sciences. The invitation will come from the Board of Directors.
There are three (3) categories of membership which are as follows: a) Student, b) Provisional Member, c) Full Member. In order to be promoted from a category to the next the candidate must attend at least two meetings of the Academy and to present evidence of research, publications, teaching and services relative to the forensic sciences.
In order to become a member a person must be recommended by, at least two Full Members of BAFS.
The Board of Directors, having a justified opinion, can enforce disciplinary sentence to a member of the Academy. In such cases and before the enforcement of the disciplinary sentence the Board must call this member for hearing. The Board of Directors can enforce disciplinary sentence in the following cases:
a) When a member acts against the aims of the Academy.
b) When a member acts against the constitution and the bylaws of the Academy.
c) When a member shows improper conduct that insults in any way the aims and the status of the Academy.
In such cases the penalties are: censure, suspension and expulsion of a member.
Every member that was punished with disciplinary sentence can resort in the General Assembly in a deadline of twenty (20) days from the notification of the sentence of the Board of Directors and ask the cancellation of the decision. In this case the Academy Secretary is compelled to mail to each voting member of the BAFS copy of the appellant’s notice of appeal and his supporting statement, if there is one, and a copy of the Board of Directors statement, and bring to discussion in the next General Assembly. A 2/3 of the members present must vote to the overrule the action of the Board of Directors.
Bodies of the Academy are the General Assembly (G.A.) and the Board of Directors (B.D.).
The G.A. is the superior and sovereign body of the Academy, decides for every subject that belongs in its jurisdiction and is constituted by the entire membership who has paid their annual dues. The G.A. decides even for matters that are not mentioned in this constitution. In the G.A. they can participate also the honorary members without right of vote. The G.A. assembles obligatorily once a year in May or June in predetermined place and time. The Board of Directors can decide differently and only with regard to the date of the meeting. At the duration of annual assembly there shall be a scientific program as well as administration of membership matters and election of officers. The invitations for the annual G.A. shall be send by mail or any other suitable way (for example by e-mail) to the members at least two (2) months before the annual G.A.
Moreover, the General Assembly has the following competency:
a) Carries out the elections of the Board of Directors.
b) Decides for the approval or not of the assessment and the budget of the Board of Directors.
c) Decides for the enforcement of disciplinary sentences and permanent disqualification to the members.
d) It decides for the modification of the constitution and bylaws and the dissolution of Academy.
e) Decides for every other matter that does not belong expressly in the competence of other body.
At the Annual Meeting of BAFS and Section Business Meetings a quorum shall consist of twenty (20) percent of the total number of voting members. The following issues will be decided by a simple majority vote: a) overturn Board of Directions on Ethics cases, b) amendment status and c) voting by mail.
Vote by proxy is not accepted. Only Provisional Members, Members, and Fellows are eligible to vote.
ELECTED OFFICERS: The elected officers of the Academy shall be the President, Secretary/Treasurer, Section Chairs and Secretaries, the Executive Director and Executive Vice Director. The candidates for these offices shall be Fellows. The election will be performed at the business meeting of the Αcademy. Each officer shall hold an office for a maximum of two (2) years with the exception of the Section Chairs and Secretaries and Executive and Executive Vice Directors who serve three (3) years. The term of an officer shall begin at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. The President-Elect and Past-President serve as an honorary member for the newly elected in that year.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The general management of the Academy, including the acquisition of funds by which the Academy operates and academic sections, shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of the President, Secretary/Treasurer, Section Chairs and Secretaries, and Executive and Executive Vice Directors beginning at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting at which time they are elected.
At the Board of Directors meeting a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the total number. The agenda will be discussed in the Board of Directors and shall be prepared by the director with input from the other members.
The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held prior to the general assembly. Special meetings of the Board of Directors maybe called at any time by the President; or by the majority of the Board Members upon notification of the Academy Secretary.
The President shall preside the Board of Directors and run the General Assembly, and the official meetings of the Academy. He represents the Academy at international meetings and various protocols, and observes the operation of the registration.
Duties of the President Elect
The President Elect shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him by the President. The President Elect shall succeed to the presidency in the event the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason.
The Past President shall be a honorary member of the Board. He will be consulted upon issues that have may be in his domain of knowledge.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of the agenda and keeping track of the minutes of the Academy. To supply information to the web master ( of the Academy about membership status, location of meetings, keep track of the new applications and promotion of members to a higher status, and their documents.
As the second duty the Secretary will be the Treasurer of the Academy. He shall be responsible for controlling the annual budget, expenses incurred at meetings and otherwise, safeguard the funds and report the Academy’s financial status at the Annual Meeting and to the Director periodically.
Secretary/Treasurer is also responsible to show the budget at the business meeting of the Academy and shall annually cause to be prepared a certified audit of the Academy financial records.
The Executive and the Executive Vice Directors are responsible for the daily operation of the Academy. They provide information about the academy to the President and General Assembly. They participate in the organisation of the annual meeting. They deal with the budget and help the President about the next annual meetings and pros and cons about it. They coordinate the publications, abstract books, and registration materials. The Executive Vice Director deals with the membership, public relations of the Academy, and financial well being of the Academy.
ACADEMIC sections
A Section is defined as a group of five or more members, mutually interested in specific fields of forensic sciences and individually qualified to be a member of the Section in accordance with criteria established for that section. Each member of the Academy, with the exception of honorary members, will be assigned to a Section. Any five (5) members may petition to the Board of Directors for the establishment of a new Section. The Board may propose the creation of a new section at the annual meeting of BAFS.
Each Section shall have a Chairman and a Secretary. Terms of office shall be for two years beginning at the conclusion of the Academy’s annual meeting at which they were elected. Section officers may be re-elected. Election of Section Chairman and Secretary shall take place at the first Section business meeting held at the general assembly. The Secretary of BAFS shall be informed in writing of the results of the election prior to the annual business meeting of the academy.
The following Sections are formed by BAFS: (a) Forensic Pathology, (b) Criminalistics, (c) Anthropology and Odontology, (d) Medical Law and Jurisprudence, (e) Toxicology, (f) Clinical Forensic Medicine (g) Forensic Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, (h) Forensic Genetics.
Sections shall hold scientific sessions as well as business meetings at each annual meeting. All members shall be eligible to attend the business meeting of their respective Sections.
The working language in which the official business shall be conducted shall be English.
The Academy may be dissolved after a decision of a special General Assembly that will have been convened specifically for this aim with a quorum of three quarters (3/4) of the members of the Academy and the decision can only be made with a three quarters (3/4) majority of the present members.
In case of dissolution of the Academy, its funds are offered wherever the special General Assembly with absolute majority decides (research institution, other association or institutions serving the same or similar aims).
This constitution and bylaws consisting totally of 17 articles was voted and signed by the elected Board of Directors in the General Meeting on April 20, 2019 in İstanbul, Turkey.
The General Assembly established a Board of Directors consisting of the following five individuals:
Ersi Kalfoğlu
Nermin Sarailiç
Maria Grozeva
Mete Gülmen
Naim Uka