CSI with Dead Body and Biological Evidence - A Modern Approach to Old Problems
07 October 2023
Yanko Kolev
Specialist of Forensic medicine and Medical imaging, Member of the Expert Council of Forensic Medicine of the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, Delegate to European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM)
These workshops are exclusively for face-to-face participants, and space is limited, so early registration is recommended.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif İnanıcı
Conference President
Dear esteemed colleagues and fellow forensic science professionals,
It is with great pleasure and honor that I welcome you to the 14th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences. This year's conference will be held from the 5th to the 8th of October 2023 in the beautiful city of Istanbul, Turkey.
Our conference aims to bring together forensic science experts from the Balkan region and beyond to discuss the latest research, developments, and trends in forensic science. As the conference president, I am proud to say that we have gathered an exceptional lineup of speakers and presenters who will share their knowledge and expertise on various topics related to forensic science.
The conference program will feature a diverse range of sessions and presentations covering topics such as forensic DNA analysis, digital imaging in forensics, forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology, forensic pathology, forensic nursing and many more. Additionally, we have organized several workshops, poster sessions, and networking opportunities to provide a comprehensive learning experience and foster collaboration among attendees.
As one of the leading events in the field of forensic science, the 14th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences promises to be an excellent opportunity for professionals to learn, share their experiences, and broaden their knowledge base. I look forward to welcoming you to Istanbul and to a successful and productive conference.
Keynote Speakers

Adarsh Kumar
Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Faculty I/c, Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Radiology AIIMS, New Delhi INDIA

Aristidis Tsatsakis
Director of the Department of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences of the Medical School at the University of Crete and the University Hospital of Heraklion.

Duarte Nuno Vieira
Professor of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences and of Ethics and Medical Law, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Beira Interior

Jason Payne James
Specialist in Forensic & Legal Medicine
Ex- President - Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (Royal College of Physicians)

Nikolas P. Lemos
Director, Cameron Forensic Medical Sciences William Harvey Research Institute Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Queen Mary University London

Rakesh Gorea
Professor & Head, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Gian Sagar Medical College, Ram Nagar, Rajpura, Patiala, Punjab, India
Roger Byard
Chair of Pathology at The University of Adelaide and is a Senior Specialist Forensic Pathologist at Forensic Science SA in Adelaide, Australia
General Information
Date & Venue
The Conference will be held in a virtual and face to face format on 05-08 October 2023.
Official Language
The official language of the Conference will be English. Only abstracts submitted in English will be accepted.
Invitation / Confirmation Letters
An official invitation letter will be sent on request. This letter, however, does not constitute any commitment by the Conference organizers to cover registration fees, or other costs connected with participation in the Conference. To make a request for an official invitation letter/confirmation, please contact the congress Secretariat. Letters will be sent by the Conference Secretariat upon completion and payment of registration.
Anthropology – Odontology
Forensic Biology & Genetics
Forensic Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences
Security Studies and Policing
Humanitarian Forensics
Clinical Forensic Medicine
Forensic Engineering
Medical Law – Jurisprudence
Sexual Violence
Forensic Nursing
Crime Prevention Strategies
Environmental Forensics
Forensic Pathology
Questioned Documents
Venues for the Face-to-Face Attendees
05 OCTOBER 2023

Adress: Dolapdere Caddesi No:163/1 34375 Harbiye Şişli / Istanbul TÜRKİYE
We have secured rooms at the below seen hotel. We strongly recommend reserving hotel accommodations at your earliest convenience as rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Single Room
Per Night
Double Room
Per Night
2% accommodation tax and 10% VAT are not included in the stated prices.
For reservation please write an email at the address below
mentioning that you will be a participant of BAFS 2023
Adress: Dolapdere Caddesi No:163/1 34375 Harbiye Şişli / Istanbul TÜRKİYE
Ş. Şebnem Özcan
Phone: +90 212 4445001/2011
E-mail: seydasebnem.ozcan@yeniyuzyil.edu.tr
Gavril Petridis
Phone: +90 212 4445001/2011
E-mail: gavril.petridis@yeniyuzyil.edu.tr
Registration Fees
Early Bird Until 31 August 2023
Early Bird
Until 31 August 2023
Early Bird
Until 31 August 2023
Euro Account
Bank Name
Account Name
Ziraat Bank
Arched Group Eğitim Danışmanlık ve Organizasyon Ltd. Şti.
TR34 0001 0009 5097 6926 5850 02
After 31 August 2023
After 31 August 2023
After 31 August 2023
Turkish Liras Account
Bank Name
Account Name
Ziraat Bank
Arched Group Eğitim Danışmanlık ve Organizasyon Ltd. Şti.
TR61 0001 0009 5097 6926 5850 01
*Please contact us for the current exchange rates
*Please remember to specify the name of the Congress (BAFS2023) and the participant’s name on the bank transfer document.
*You can transfer your registration fee by wise.com or revolut.com to avoid extra transfer payments.
The registration fee includes:
Participation in the scientific program
Printed material of the Meeting
Password for the recorded event
The conference fee includes also “2023 Annual Dues” for the members and for the new membership applications. We encourage new memberships. The program will be recorded for the availability to all meeting registrants and BAFS Members for three months post-conference through YouTube
Administrative Secretariat
Meryem Ebedi
E-mail: meryem.ebedi@kstu.edu.tr
Ömer Karataş
E-mail: omerkaratas86@gmail.com
+90 533 414 1913